Are there any integrated amps with a built in DAC?

Using an iMac streaming to an Apple TV.
The Peachtree Decco that Knownothing suggested in a great piece of gear for the money. I'm using one with a Macbook Pro, streaming to an Airport Express and then through Toslink into the Decco. I can also connect the Macbook Pro durectly to the USB input of the Decco DAC.

It has a tube preamp section and I'm using the preamp outputs of the Decco to drive a tube amp, though the internal amp of the Decco is pretty good, too.
Bryston B100 SST. Given the high praise the latest Bryston amps are getting, and given my 4-day audition of the new Bryston DAC (fabulous!), I'd take a look. The DAC board is an option, as is a MM/MC board.
I currently use a Naim Supernait and one of its inputs is an Apple TV with very satisfying results.