Why do my ears ring with my new amplifier?

I just changed integrated amplifiers on January 2, 2015. I went from an Audio Research DSi200 to a Simaudio 600i. I'm running a Lumin A1 Network Streamer and Dynaudio C1 speakers. Those haven't changed. I'm also in the same 10' x 12' room.

My setup sounds great when I'm outside of my room. When I walk in and sit down, my ears start ringing.

I don't think that the high frequencies are the problem. Is this too much bass energy in the room, too much sound pressure, or what do you think?

Does anyone have a suggestion on what's needed to correct this problem?

"My setup sounds great when I'm outside of my room. When I walk in and sit down, my ears start ringing."

This shouldn't be too much trouble since you have small speakers. Move your system to another room and try it there. You don't have to invest a lot of time in setup, you just want to see if the ringing will go away in different environment. Along with some of the others, I'm not too sure what the problem is here. Given that your room is fairly small, its going to be essential that you figure if the problem is equipment related, or possibly the room.

If it turns out that you still get the ringing, I think you should look at your source. I'm not too familiar with your Lumin, but with computer audio related components, there's usually a lot of adjustments and choices. Since you are plugging it into a new preamp, you could have a gain related issue, or something similar. It may need to be reconfigured to work better with your new integrated.
Tape some tissue paper over your tweeters just to make sure it's not excessive energy in the 2-10 khz region.
Listen at lower volumes for two days. If your ears don't ring, then you have been playing it too loud, like being at a rock concert or any loud venue and coming out with ringing. This is part of incurring noise-induced hearing loss, by the way. Tinnitus can become permanent with continued exposure to loud noise.
The spl meter idea is a good one. If things are going well you might not realize how loud things are.