quiet hiss in backround?

i have a quiet hissing from speakers when no music is playing and i am sure it is there when music is on but hard to hear. it drives me crazy! i always attributed it to normal noise from my amplifier but i wonder what you folks think? is it a power issue? the amp is a krell fpb600c, dedicated line, no power conditioning (a small quiet line by audio prism (parallel power line filter) is all. is this normal?
Not a suggestion to replace your amp. Just a suggestion to put the amp in your system as a tool to troubleshoot for hiss, as I know it's quiet.
actually, no need to change the amps...if i put my ear to the rear tweeter, i get the same sound just faint. the description earlier in the thread is best, like putting your ear to a sea shell. i am beginning to think it is normal or some sort of power sound in my house. now i am just curious about how much different the 3250 would sound as 2 chan so i am going to switch them anyway. this could push me to let go of the big krell if i get the same punch from a smaller amp...
I have no white noise at all, are you running the loudspeaker cables over the power cables by accident? Otherwise start by disconnecting all devices and reconnecting them one by one