Why do my ears ring with my new amplifier?

I just changed integrated amplifiers on January 2, 2015. I went from an Audio Research DSi200 to a Simaudio 600i. I'm running a Lumin A1 Network Streamer and Dynaudio C1 speakers. Those haven't changed. I'm also in the same 10' x 12' room.

My setup sounds great when I'm outside of my room. When I walk in and sit down, my ears start ringing.

I don't think that the high frequencies are the problem. Is this too much bass energy in the room, too much sound pressure, or what do you think?

Does anyone have a suggestion on what's needed to correct this problem?

"Yours is also your subjective view.

Of course it is. How could it not be?

"The flatter the frequency response, the less fatiguing the amp will be. It's just that simple. Whatever other attributes/detriments it has will be irrelevant."

I don't see how you can go from that to this.

"I'm well aware there's more than one kind of fatigue and the one in question is the painful kind."

Maybe you should pick one. Either you have one factor and everything else is irrelevant, or there's several factors that are relevant.

"I would say pain is the most relevant."

Maybe that's your view but another person may say different. Everyone makes their own choices. That said, I think most people would choose pain as the number one cause of listening fatigue, like you. And that's exactly why so many use EQ's and tone controls to roll off the top end. In doing so, they're moving frequency response away from flat on purpose to make the system more listenable.
"02-08-15: Csontos
I think you're arguing with yourself. Carry on."

Sorry, but their you're posts. You just don't want to be wrong.

"And before you come back and start arguing with me, can you back that statement up with something real?"

If you had an answer to that statement, something tells me you would find the will to argue.
Well both of us can't be right, right? So you may as well be wrong! WRONG I SAY!! WROOONG! I'm right... yep, right. But you... you're wrong, again.
"02-08-15: Csontos
Well both of us can't be right, right? So you may as well be wrong! WRONG I SAY!! WROOONG! I'm right... yep, right. But you... you're wrong, again."

Well, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. You seem to know what you are talking about. But just try to calm down and not get too excited. And if there's anyone else in the house, you may want to ask them to hide the remote, and the razors. If they ask why, just have them read this post.