Why do my ears ring with my new amplifier?

I just changed integrated amplifiers on January 2, 2015. I went from an Audio Research DSi200 to a Simaudio 600i. I'm running a Lumin A1 Network Streamer and Dynaudio C1 speakers. Those haven't changed. I'm also in the same 10' x 12' room.

My setup sounds great when I'm outside of my room. When I walk in and sit down, my ears start ringing.

I don't think that the high frequencies are the problem. Is this too much bass energy in the room, too much sound pressure, or what do you think?

Does anyone have a suggestion on what's needed to correct this problem?

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What's so good about northern fried chicken? You got a problem with the south?
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"false Blume can not only sound terrible"

Is that false Israel Blume? I didn't see in the OP where the owner had any Coincident equipment in his system. Must've missed it.
