thoughts on NAD M3

Hi All,

The professional reviews on the NAD M3 are mostly positive.However, I find that the user opinions (from various forums) are not as positive. Any thoughts?
Your right with that thought. I think in the case of the M3, with all the rave reviews, and the fact that NAD is a relatively high volume marketer, that you would find a bunch of these on here. It looks like many now are retailers selling them on AGON. On the other hand people on here change amps like underwear, maybe more. Look at lines like McIntosh, there is always tons of stuff for sale, much of it current.
Assuming that, because a certain item is plentiful in the used classifieds, it must not be as good as the press it got, says it is, is flawed logic. As far as the components mentioned by Bizango their positive press helped create a large volume of sales. Whenever a certain product sells much better than another similar item you will find more of them for sale used. Look at all of the used Shunyata power cords for sale here and on other used sites. Does that mean that the Shunyata product is not as good as claimed? Absolutely not, Shunyata sells so many of them that there is more available used. Now, understand I'm not saying that the NAD M3 isn't overrated, I'm just saying that you can't come to that conclusion accurately simply by the fact that there are a lot of them for sale used.
Rcrerar, part of my observation is how quickly some items show up in large quantities on AG after their release. In the case of JC-1's they have been around for many years. Adagios and M3's began showing up pretty soon after the rave reviews. I haven't drawn any conclusion about the sound or ratings of the M3-I've never heard one!
I listened to the M3 along with some other int. in that price range and it was tempted to buy one however in the end I spent a little more and got a McCormack amp and pre. If I bought ann int. amp it probably would have been the M3. One of the reasons I passed is that it's made in China. Before you all jump all over me for saying that please know that it doesn't FEEL or sound cheap, I just felt that if I'm going to spend 3 or 4 k it was going to be made in the USA. Regardless of where it's made it's a very nice amp.
In my system (Gallo Ref 3 speakers and a VSE level 4 Sony DVP-9000ES), I've had a PS Audio GCC-250, a Sim Audio I3, an Underwood Hifi-modded Musical Fidelity A5, and the NAD M3. Of all of them, the NAD M3 was my favorite in most respects, except that I found a certain "closed-in" quality on the top-end and occasional rhythmic sluggishness that I just couldn't get over. I tried swapping in better jumpers, using power conditioning (an Audience AR1p), but I just couldn't get those qualities to go away, particularly the closed-in top end (an issue which I believe a few forum members have also commented on).

I ended up going with the MF A5, which has a more extended top end and better channel separation, but does not have the same palpable immediacy that the M3 had, nor its seemingly endless bass reserves. Despite the posted power ratings, the M3 struck me as being a much more powerful amplifier than the A5, and if it hadn't been for those deal-breaking quirks (which may well have been entirely unique to my system), I would have kept the M3. Either way, I definitely preferred both the M3 and the A5 to the PS Audio unit or the Sim I3.