Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII

Hey Guys,

I just got a new pair of Revel Gems and was wondering what amp you thought would be a better choice in my system. I have a placette passive linestage, wadia 7 transport going into a levinson 30.5 DAC and hopefully a nice turntable soon, oh and a Revel B15 sub. I know these amps are pretty different Krell is huge class A and the Bel Cantos are tiny(in size not power) class D.

Any thoughts would be great.

Apples and oranges: my choice is Krell but in your system you may prefer the Bel.

I am not convinced passive pre is the way go with either however. The Krell will benefit from a quality active pre, especially a KCT via CAST. Otherwise you will not get all the performance possible out of the 400cx. I must reveal that my set up is a KCT CAST connected into a 400cx so I am biased IMO.
Class D (code word for cheap amplification aka dumbed down) is no comparison for Class A IMHO:O)
Class D is an evolving technology. There are some outstanding Class D products on the market.

People who deny this are simply inexperienced and/or dumb.

You'll see them posting here and in other threads.
Chauncey, the only way to know is to give them a try. You'll find plenty of anti Class D tee shirts around but in my recent auditions of products using this technology i find good reason for people to serious consider products by the likes of Jeff Rowland, Bel Canto etc.
"code word for cheap amplification aka dumbed down"

Oh, you're speaking of integrated amps?