Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII

Hey Guys,

I just got a new pair of Revel Gems and was wondering what amp you thought would be a better choice in my system. I have a placette passive linestage, wadia 7 transport going into a levinson 30.5 DAC and hopefully a nice turntable soon, oh and a Revel B15 sub. I know these amps are pretty different Krell is huge class A and the Bel Cantos are tiny(in size not power) class D.

Any thoughts would be great.

Simontju states his case well and should be commended, unlike some other Audiofieils I know:O) Perhaps I will give them
FYI, Absolute Sound did a Class D comparison and found that their is no free lunch for amplification...even decent Class A/B designs sounded less mechanical and more faithfull sounding:O)
Dave b,

I graduated from your Krell 400XI years ago and am now happily enjoy my Nuforce digital amp like never before. I try not to have a "for" or "against" attitude for anything. My own ears dictate what's best, not any reviewers or magazine.

If you keep an open mind, there's just more to enjoy, be it stereo or otherwise.

I've been to the mountain top, but kept cominh back to the just does it for me:O)