Opinions on vintage cj amps and Teflon cap mods

I'm seeking opinions on having a vintage amp modified/updated. While I'm enjoying my conrad johnson Premier V as is, I can hear some significant differences when compared to some of the more modern amps I've heard. In my opinion, the sound I'm getting from my system is too soft, particularly the leading edge of notes and the upper base/lower mids. Decay, air, ambiance and overall musicality are great IMO. conrad johnson is offering modifications to the Premier 4&5 amplifiers which would include a new power supply and Teflon capacitors. What's crucial to me, is that I'm looking to improve the amplifiers performance, not just change it. The cj person I talked with said they've modified a couple of the Premier 4s with "smashing success". Thanks in advance for your experiences and opinions.
Hi Phaelon,

Good point about not wanting to "loose the magic" -- just because CJ feels the teflon caps are an improvement, doesn't mean you'll like the sound of the so called upgrade. It might be better to go with an independent like Bill Thallman and do the changes one at a time. Upgrade the power supply, check it out. Then do the capacitors this might be the way to go. Regards...Paul
Thanks again everyone,
With your help, I've decided that the least I should do is try to hear some components that use teflon caps to try and identify their sonic signature in comparison with other capacitors and proceed from there.

Paul, I know that your right about taking baby steps and updating the power supply first, but if I'm going to go through the hassle, expense and risk of shipping these 90 lb. mono-blocks across country, I want to maximize my return.
if you own a vinatge amp for a reason, why modify it so that it sounds like a modern amp that another manufacturer produces ?
Mrtennis, I enjoy much of what this amp has to offer. I'm hoping I can improve it without altering its virtues. Think of it like buying a vintage house that you love for its woodwork and craftsmanship of a bygone era. Would it be inconsistent to tear out the coal burning furnace and replace it with a modern heating plant?
The power supply is responsible for much of your amps sonic signature. If you send it back to CJ for these updates, I can assure you that it will sound nothing like it did. My advice is to have it restored to spec. Buy a new amp if you want the modern "teflon cap" sound.