Good preamp match for Bryston 4B ST

In process of upgrading. Currently have Bryston 4B ST, Dali Halicon 400 MkI speakers, and Rotel 1072 CD player. Listen to mainly acoustic music of all styles and prefer uncolored, if somewhat warm, musical sound with good imaging and soundstage. Already over budget a bit; would appreciate suggestions for a compatible preamp under $1K used.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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Thank you Bob for your informative response. I was able to find a Bryston BP25 (without phono section, unfortunately), but I thought I should grab it as I assume there should be no problem matching it with the 4BST and using balanced interconnects. I'm still considering trying a tube pre, though, but I'm not sure (given the sparce information provided) which ones would mate well. Aljordan says the Audible Illusions worked well, but which ARC would work? Still would prefer a pre with a remote. Bob, why did you suggest the Benchmark?
I had the 4BST mated to various tube preamps a while back but never cared for the sound. You may want to consider a Bryston preamp. I replaced it a Belles 150A and couldn't be happier, the Bryston was outclassed in every category except power output.
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