Bel Canto Ref1000mkII stock issues?

I just heard that Bel Canto is having a circuit board issue with these amps. Consequently, they are delaying shipments right now. Is it a supply issue, a quality/design issue, or a demand issue due to the favorable Stereophile review and A rating? Love to hear from anyone "in the know".
You are correct.I am wrong and apoligize for my lameness.Hope this may even us up,Bob
No worries Bob. I don't like to see unwarranted negativity on these boards. I think most of us agree on that. We are all in this crazy hobby together and I learn so much from everyone on here. Cheers!
In your opening post your wrote "I just heard that Bel Canto is having a circuit board issue with these amps".

I think the readership is interested in your source.

It's unsubstantiated statments/allegations like yours which are probably best left unsaid.

A better idea would have been to contact your local dealer or Bel Canto.
That would be optimal Audio------.As you know were all human and insane to be here in this hobby so........
Swanny, have you done any A-B'ing between the Is and IIs? I haven't, but hear the IIs are a bit more forward in the treble. In another thread someone who had A-B'ed said he preferred the Is and that while the IIs had their strengths were not worth the extra $1000. Lastly I understand from a dealer that the Is outsell the IIs by a about 6~8 to 1 margin. What are you thoughts?