Headphone amp advice

I am looking for a good headphone amp, probably tube. I will be using it mainly for recordings from my main vinyl rig. The Korg Mr-1, recently bought, makes these recordings much better than my earlier recording systems (PCM computer sound card, DAT, Revox A77), so headphone amps get interesting. I use Sennheiser 600 and Shure E3 headphones. This may change, but one point now is to drive the Senns to best effect.

I've been looking at several alternatives:
The Small-dot mk3, the Darkvoice SE, Lisa III. Haven't heard them, just from googling. Of these, possibly the Darkvoice gives the sound I am after.

However, these are non-portable designs, and I would like something more portable. In this area, the TTVJ hybrid portable, possibly the s-state Nuforce icon, are among the contenders.

Your advice is welcome.
A tube unit represents an excellent (and possibly the preferred) choice for headphone listening, but portability cannot be a factor. In fact, I'd go so far to say that portability shouldn't be a factor at all in selecting a really good headphone listening device; tube or ss. If you occasionally need a portable device, get one just for that purpose, and another one for 'at home' listening.

As with audio amplifiers, ss devices will drive any impedance cans, whereas the best tube devices perform optimally with either hi or lo impedance phones. I think ASL products represent an excellent value; but I suggest you check out the head-fi forums to expand your knowledge about the subject: http://www.head-fi.org/
I recently picked up an Audio-Gd C-2C which I got information about on the head-fi site (good tip, Nsgarch). It is neither portable nor tube which means this post is of little use to you. Nevertheless, it sounds terrific with the AKG K-702s and at the price $335 plus delivery, has been a revelation for me.

I can highly recommend soliciting input from the Head-Fiers!