Headphone amp advice

I am looking for a good headphone amp, probably tube. I will be using it mainly for recordings from my main vinyl rig. The Korg Mr-1, recently bought, makes these recordings much better than my earlier recording systems (PCM computer sound card, DAT, Revox A77), so headphone amps get interesting. I use Sennheiser 600 and Shure E3 headphones. This may change, but one point now is to drive the Senns to best effect.

I've been looking at several alternatives:
The Small-dot mk3, the Darkvoice SE, Lisa III. Haven't heard them, just from googling. Of these, possibly the Darkvoice gives the sound I am after.

However, these are non-portable designs, and I would like something more portable. In this area, the TTVJ hybrid portable, possibly the s-state Nuforce icon, are among the contenders.

Your advice is welcome.
O_holter, this is EXACTLY what you describe, right down to the price ($500.)
You can switch between OTL and SET operation.
It has dual headphone jacks.
Separate power supply.

I'm quite happy with my ASL HD-1, but if you want a true amplifier (and not just a tube buffer like the HD-1) I think this is the one to get. A terrific value IMO.
Nsgarch, following your advice i've read a lot on headfi and other valuable sources, and have ended up investing in an Audiotailor Jade tube amp and GK1-J portible mosfet amp. Will try to follow up with some reporting when the system has been broken in.
O_holter, glad you took the plunge. I know nothing about those units but I'll look at them -- and do report back when you're ready. It's always nice to learn about new stuff ;-) -- Neil
I will report back. So far, I've invested in an AKG K450 (small-above ear phone) which needs burn-in (300-500 hours) before reporting. Sounds a bit hard and closed in, still, after ca 50 hours, but I have hopes.

I am waiting for the Jade and GK1-J. When these are housewarm, I will do a test of vinyl recording comparing my best digital source with good analog (Studer Revox A77).
The Jade is a great value for the money. Still burning it in. Good OTL sound. The GK, also, has a positive effect, though not as much.