Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?


Spectron Audio web site states that they have new black faceplates and I wonder if someone has Spectron amp with this look? I am considering to get their monoblocks.

It seems (from their web site) that they are on the rise - hiring new people, getting new reviews, even new Remote Sense cables... interesting

Hi Simon, Yes I am sure many will scoff at my comments but I hear what I hear. Thanks for recommending these modestly priced additions to my system.
Steve, Read up on the Scintillas and it looks like you have picked up quite a challenge with huge payoffs if you have the time, money and patience to get them setup properly. Keep us apprised of your adventures.
Will give some updates on the Scinnies as the project unfolds. After a quick repositioning, removal of absorption panels behind the speakers and going to stereo vertical bi-amping I now begin to hear what all the fuss is about from the avid / rabid Apogee clan!

With the biamping configuration, I heard no strain from the Spectrons and although the bridged mode sounded better on my Logans, the stero mode on the Apogees is clearly much superior as the amps are not doubling down to 1/2 ohm.

The speakers are amazing and I can compare with the Soundlabs AX1's. The bass really does go down to 20Hz - had to take out my subteranean TL loaded dual 12" woofers which used to load the room with prescence, (as opposed to bass thumping). I never found until now a substitute for the accuracy and speed of my old ESL 63's in the lower regions. BUt the Quads were light in quantity and rolled off quickly below 40HZ. NOT these babies, the bass panel is fearsome with the Spectrons and MRTW ribbons have incredible air and transparency with the Spectrons.

More to follow

Hum...what are these 'levitation' devices and where can I find out more about them? I quite like the Aurios under mine, but generally, better footers seem to have an impact on most components and the Spectrons are no different.
Each device is two magnets with the same polarity facing each other forcing them apart. This causes the component to float hence "levitation". Each device is designed for a specific weight range. Couldn't tell you if these are any better or worse than the Aurios but they did work wonders under my Spectron. The increased clarity is remarkable. Check my 8/28 post as to where to get them.