What amp to choose?

I am running Infinity IRS Omega speakers and a 6 channel multiplayer equipped with preamps, by now I only use the 2 channel stereo. This a high quality gear MSRP USD20.000. The amp is a 150Wpc and 1800VA (240V/50Hz.
I run it balanced.The combo does deliver a good soundstage, detailed and I am satisfied with that.
I love my Omega`s,but they need more power and I want to optimize the system with a better amp.
Previously I`ve heard the player with PBN AX amp this is an option, sound is just right, but price new is to high for my budget, and I have to look for used.
I will be grateful if anyone could give me some inputs.
Anybody knows what McCormack DNA500 could do (good reviews on this one too), considering increase my budget for JC1 or Dna 500..
I bought a DNA 500, but have not listen to it.
Recommended combo by Steve himself, he`s probably right.
Long journey for this one, US to AUS to Norway to US for upgrading in a few months to Norway again.
A globalized DNA 500 should do the job then.
I come back with "review".
Johnny53 I do have the 550k MF sc.They do perform,but
you have to use the right cabling.They sounds like tubes.