NAD M3 V Vincent 236MKII any experiences??

Has anyone had the chance to compare the Vincent 236MKII to the NAD M3? Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful. Thanks
Interesting Rotarius. It seems them possibly the Vincent is not an original design, but a Shengya copy, or vice versa ? While the NAD M3 is made in China, it is supposed to be designed by LenBrook Ind. (NAD) I assume in Canada, and don't know of any similar units ?
Waynefia, for a while I was under the impression that Vincent was an outfit owned by the Chinese to do business in Europe but I may have been wrong. In any case, they just seem to be importing chinese gear and re-badging them. Their cd players and amps appear identical in design to the Shengya and Kavent ones from Kellsie Audio/video.
Well I would sure like to know if any of this is true. I have the exact unit that was reviewed in Stereophile this month and had understood that the Vincent goods were designed in Germany and manufactured in China. As I understand it the Chinese brands are knockoffs of the Vincents.(Many people forget that many respected brands are manufactured in China) Would sure like to know what is true here. The Vincents do look very German being very symetrical and even in the layout of the front panel. The build quality on mine is as nice as I have ever seen on anything I have owned. There is a slight hiss from the speakers when you walk by them but it does not change with volume and is very slight. I compared it to some other highly praised integrateds in my home and will write on that later.
Shengya's are NOT knockoffs of Vincent...they are/were OEM for them.

I was in Hong Kong a few years ago saw Shengya gear sold JUST to have Vincent announce their similar "new" equipment months later.

I don't know what's worse...chinese knock offs


western companies buying Chinese gear, giving it a minor cosmetic/operational tweak, DOUBLING the retail price and calling it "their own creation".

At the end of the day, I'm gonna decide with my ears & pocket book.
ShengYa A10CS actually is the Vincent 226 not the 236. For the heck of it check out the Nad c375, you may get what you are after for less. The c375 looks impressive.