Unison SE or LSA Standard?

Going to be used with Ohm 100's, any thoughts? Source is Mac laptop and Audiozone dac.
04-22-09: Malbor
Just because Lsa headquarters are in the USA, doesn't mean it's going too
sound better than the Unison SE.

Did I write that in my post? No, I didn't. Be careful about reading more into
what's written than what's on the page.

My hunch is that the LSA Standard and Unico SE will sound more similar than
not on the Ohm loudspeakers.

So, why not buy from a company based in the USA, run by one of the good
guys in the business, Larry Staples, and assisted by an excellent designer,
John Tucker?
Tavd, No you didn't wrte that in your post. I assumed thats what you were saying, i know one shouldn't assume to know what someone is thinking. No offence meant and i hope none taken.