300 B Shuguang Black Bottle tubes

Just got them from Canada (from NA distributor) and put as a replacement to my Audion Silver Night 300 B. I used to have 300 B (Hot Rods marked), I think they were codenamed as Golden Dragons (correct me if I am wrong), had to replace them recently, I got what I could get in Russia - Svetlana 300 B ones. Svetlana by all means not bad tubes (I thought way better than the ones I used which came with amp), but Black Bottles are just another league way up from what I heard. Suddenly bass became very articulated (used to be rather boomy), soundstage is a huge improvement at all.

They are in burn in process at the moment (as I read they really start signing after 300 hours), I am wondering whether anyone did have an experience with them and whether it is as much positive as mine (very addictive tubes!!!!).


Here's something I pasted from AA. The author is Chris O. It could explain a lot.

"You really have to watch out when you start swapping 300b or other big filament power tubes. The current draw on the heater for one tube brand or type or batch may be very different. Plugging several different brands of tubes (EH, TJ, KR) into a given amp showed each had very different voltage on the heater and bias points for the voltage and current supplied by the amp. In particular, the TJs sounded bad with 5.7 volts on the heater, much better at 5 volts exactly. Also, at the higher voltage they would have had a short life. The EH with the same supply were 5.2 volts.

Don't slam tubes (or anything else) if you don't know how you are using them. Most of the time, using the tube within the manufacturers specifications and optimizing a tubes operational points based on listening makes them a lot better."
I find that concept easy to accept, as opinions and experiences are all over the map. In my case the BT are very good in my amplifier and the Takatsuki-TA 300b is ridiculously sublime(what a tube!).
Melville - how many hours do you have on the BT's? I may be interested in them if you decide to unload them.
Onemug, what you are saying does not make much sense. Charles amp obviously works at a fixed voltage, whether its 5.0 or 5.2 it does not matter. He cannot change the voltage of the amp so he has to compare the sound of the tubes as they are. I don't see anything wrong in that.
Jwm, you misunderstood why I quoted those paragraphs (the 2nd one is still part of the quote).

Melville is preferring the EH, Charles1dad thinks the BT's are better. Conclusions: one of them is wrong or they are both right. I go with the latter.

I posted the quote after I read Charles last sentence: "Sometimes I wonder how much of these different impressions are due to the amplifier used and or system".

The price of tubes can be quite high, easily over $1000. When people are looking for help, I think it's important they understand that besides their own personal taste, the amp that they are used in can be a factor.