What's wrong? Nuforce/Capri no better than Sunfire

Preface: this is regarding 2 channel analogue SQ.
OK. I know it's very early in the comparison process, and I've "only" critically listened for 2-3 hours. But whereas listening to speakers has shown clear differences (to a point), and the move up the B&W ladder from 9NTs to N803s was SIGNIFICANT, I'm at a loss on the amp/preamp. The jump from my old $4k Pioneer flagship HT rcvr to the Sunfire TGA5200 was very significant. Less significant but noticeable was the jump from the Pio as preamp to the Sunfire TGP5 as pre. I then read a lot about how a good 2 channel pre would crush an HT pre/pro. So I got the Jeff Rowland Capri. Have listened for quite some time and struggled mightily to justify the Capri, but I just don't hear ANY major improvement. Maybe some VERY subtle things, but I can't even be sure of that. I also read that a good 2 channel amp would crush a multi-channel amp. So I just picked up the Nuforce ref 9SEv2, and I've gone back and forth with the TGA5200, unscientifically, but again, I don't hear any major difference, whether through the Capri or the Sunfire TGP5. Am I just missing "golden ears" and reached the audio equivalent of the Peter Principal" (rising to my level of incompetence)? Is the Sunfire stuff just that good? Is the old claim that all good amps/preamps should sound similar true? It just strikes me as odd that so many people on these audio boards hear huge differences and I don't. What's wrong?
Have you tried a good tube preamp? I've found that tube preamps can generally bring the music alive, and this is not to suggest that the best SS preamps are incapable of capturing the essence of the music, but in my experience - just not in the same way.
Macrojack had hit it right on the head. This is pretty much the same method I use when I decide whether I like a component or not. The one thing I try to do with the new component is leave it in the system for a couple of weeks and listen every day to get very familiar with the sound of that component. I do not analyze the sound during this period, but try to enjoy the music. Many times the differences are subtle between well designed and built products. Some of these differences will be important to you and others will not, or maybe you won't even notice them. As Macro states above, when you put the Sunfire back into the system after the couple of weeks, you will know if you have to have the new stuff or not.
Csmgolf and Macro: I will be keeping both pieces in my system for the next few weeks. However, to macro's point, I have been switching in and out with the Sunfire pieces and the Nuforce and Capri, both together as a unit and individually, all combinations. Listening to short cuts to hear for differences in timbre, detail, etc, as well as complete songs and sets of songs, then switching and replaying. Really no difference at all, and certainly not the dramatic difference I was hoping to hear from not only much more expensive but also exceptionally well reviewed gear that supposedly played above it's price to boot(guidocorona, where are you?). To be honest, my wife actually heard and preferred a slight difference with the Capri vs the Sunfire pre/pro, using the Nuforce amp. But again, she thought the sound was very close and loved the sound either way. Where's my dramatic upgrade, LOL???
You have not yet revealed how many hours of running time you have on the Capri and the NuForce.These pieces are like fine wine they take time.
Both were purchased used, so I'm assuming (I know, a big assumption) that both were broken in already. I'm pretty sure the Nuforce was, as I bought it from a reviewer. I'm pretty sure, but not certain, that the Capri had been run in pretty good too. However, I'm sure I'm gonna get attacked by some now, but I just don't buy the 1000 hours of break-in stuff. To me, that very well may be when you've heard something long enough that you've become acclimated to it's sound, and now that's your new reference for good sound. It just drives me crazy when a reviewer or poster says a piece of equipment, a speaker, or a cable sounded like crap out of the box and 3000 hours later, it was like a revelation!!! Flame away, but I don't buy it. Regardless, I believe it's pretty much irrelevant as respects my Capri and Nuforce.