Simaudio I-7 or Pass INT-150

Has anyone heard both of these integrated amps? Any A/B comparisons would be appreciated.
Oops, I meant to say Simaudio, not Plinius. But it holds true for the Plinius as well.
It's all in the matching as I said. The Plinius is actually more musical but because the Dynaudio's are already warm and smooth the Pass would be a better match. Other great matches would be the Primare. A good affordable match would be the Musical Fidelity 5.5 but only because the Dynaudios are smooth and they love power.
Both are generally well received amplifiers, but there are so many other choices to consider. Jeff Rowland, AMR, GamuT, Conrad Johnson etc. If you are interested i have listened and written about some of these products as i was looking to replace my own integrated.
Both sim and pass make great sounding stuff... you've already got the Supernova, might as well keep it sim.
I would agree, since you have the supernova and Simaudio uses Dynaudio's in their system at stereo shows, go for the 1-7!!