the tough question: Which preamplifier? and why

The amp is a GRAAF iti 50/50
tube amplifier, 50W, input sen of 1.4V

and the choices are:

A. Placette (passive linestage) to keep the system simple and clean, the amp has good numbers
B. McIntosh C15 (solid state with phono)keep things from getting sluggish, don't need a prephono,
C. Audio Note M2 (tube with phone)

thanks in advance
05-05-09: Mrtennis
hi tvad:

you are wrong. my quartet of choices does not represent an opinion. it is just a list of preamps.

No. You are wrong.

Yours is not just a list of preamps. It is a subjective list of preamps as you state in your post. A subjective list is in itself an opinion of four preamps you preferred and selected.
hi tvad:

how can i prefer them when i haven't heard them. the list is an indication of the preamps i want to investigate. there is no preference for any of them. i may not like or purchase any of them. i am not recommending them or saying anything positive or negative about them. it is just a list.

there is nothing subjective about the list. they are 4 tube preamps. i could have added the conrad johnson et2, but i doubt i will be able to audition it.

the only subjective aspect is my intention to audition them. i hardly think an intention to audition a preamp is an opininion.

anybody care to chime in ?? if a person has an opinion about something which has yet to be experienced, it is a prejudice. are you suggesting i have a prejudice toward any of these preamps ?
05-05-09: Mrtennis
hi tvad:

how can i prefer them when i haven't heard them. the list is an indication of
the preamps i want to investigate. there is no preference for any of

Sure there is. There's clearly something about these preamps that caused you
to prefer them over 100 other possible preamps. Therefore, unless you put
all the possibilities on a roulette wheel and spun it four times resulting in a
random four picks...or, you placed all the possibilities on a wall, then
blindfolded yourself and had someone spin you around several times, and
then tossed four darts resulting in a random selection of four preamps, then
your subjective selection indicates you have a preference for the four
preamps on your list...for whatever reason. In other words, you have formed
an opinion regarding their suitability for your system goals.

We have to assume based on your posts that you are hoping for a warm,
caramel colored, rolled off presentation.

Good luck finding that.

I'm frightened by the possibility that you would continue this discussion until
each of us is in the Old Folks Home, and unaware of who or where we are.

So type away...but I'm done with this mini debate.
Amen & thank you Tvad.

Mr T., asked:
anybody care to chime in ??

YES! Mr. T. plse stop!
It didn't get ugly like the thread under Misc Audio

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