do fancy fuses help?

wondering if there is any consensus whether expensive fuses, e.g. hi-fi tuning ceramic, really do help and are worth the money. is it like power cord voodoo (that is, they can make an audible improvement, logic be damned), or is there a theory behind why they might improve things? My amp uses 6 fuses, so a $250 experiment is only "cheap" upgrade by our insane audiophile standards.
Tvad- Could you define, "meshuge" for us? Well: You lost me and my Funk and Wagnall's anyway.

That's because it's Yiddish :)

Before I realized that, I was wondering if he meant "as huge a mess". :)

-- Al
AHA!(or, as we say in Hebrew, "ACHA!") If it had been, "meshugenah" I'd have recognized it. The craziness is how many express their opinions without EVER having tried what they're opining about. How empty-headed is that?
I thought the whole "superfuse" thing was kinda ridiculous until I tried one. Now I have eight. YMMV. Dave

PS You can get partway there by pulling your existing fuses, cleaning them and the fuseholder with something like Deoxit Gold, and replacing them.
If you know your amp is OK, temporarily replace the fuse with a jumper. If it doesn't sound different save your money. And don't forger to remove the jumper!
Timrhu, thanks. that thread seemed to cover the whole gamut of opionions, which of course, varied considerably.