direct or not?

hello. i have a dCS Puccini which i currently run into an integrated amp, Jadis DA88s. i believe this is a very good combination but also know the puccini has digital volume control and can output direct to a power amplifier.

The question is do you believe one would get better sound in the current combination, Puccini-to-Integrated Jadis, or running the Puccini direct to a power amp like the Jadis JA-80s.

Thanks for your thoughts!
I have my Puccini set to 2V, and running it direct to my Dartzeel works perfect.
I would try it direct to a power amp. As Kops said, you can always go back.

I know this thread is old so perhaps this is not of interest to you any longer but I have DCS Puccini, ayre k5xe, ayre mxr and wilson audio Sasha w/p. I sent my K5xe in for upgrade and I have been listening to DCS direct to ayre mx-r. The sound is much better through the ayre k5xe than direct to amps. Bigger soundstage, better dynamics and more life like sound. I can't wait of the MP upgrade.