50 WPCish Integrated/Receiver for Apartment

Any suggestions for a really good 2 channel receiver or integrated amp for running a pair of Klipsch Quartets in an apartment? Something with a phono input is preferable. Looking to spend less than $500 and have looked at the Yamaha RX-397 receiver. Has anyone spent any time with this unit and/or have an opinion on it? Listening to a wide variety of music, 60s and 70s rock being in the slight majority.
Here is a nice choice with a warranty:


They also have a 120 watter for a little more dosh.
05-29-09: Sfar
The Onkyo A-9555 should be a good choice. The link is to a Stereophile review. I've owned one and was very impressed by the sound and the build quality, though I didn't try the phono stage. List price is $800 but they're generally available around your $500 limit.
I've been listening to one for 10 months, and the phono stage is also quite excellent for high output cartridges. How good? I threw my Cambridge 640P over for the Onkyo's built-in phono stage, it's clearly that much better. The Onkyo has more subtlety, more micro-dynamics. It's really quite something for an integrated that does so many things so well, and is available for a little under $500.