Tubelike SS Power amp

Looking to mate tube pre with SS power amp based on input off this board. Want to get warm sound and need high current for relatively inefficient Ohm Walsh 2 speakers...100 wrms@8ohm target power. Suggestions?
The only SS amps I have heard that sound tube like-and I have owned all sorts including pure Class A.Not quite as clear as a good SET amp but they do have some of the timbral qualities.
Even the very old Accuphase amps like the P300 sound like this.Why other SS amp makers can't do this is a bit of a mystery.
The Hafler Transnova series may be just what you are looking for. (Affordable too, I might add). Excellant value for the dollar. Another to consider is the Forte model 4 (but only 50 watts/channel, I am not sure of how loud you want to get, or how big your room is, or what music you listen to the most).
conrad johnson does a good job coming up with designs that are quite tube like sonically. I just moved from a CAV 50 tube integrated to their CA200 and don't feel I'm missing much in the way of that "tube" sound.