Tubelike SS Power amp

Looking to mate tube pre with SS power amp based on input off this board. Want to get warm sound and need high current for relatively inefficient Ohm Walsh 2 speakers...100 wrms@8ohm target power. Suggestions?
Audio Research 100.2

Really this is a lovely amp. Discontinued due to outperforming the bigger brothers....

I have a McCormack DNA-1 that sounds tube like in the highs and midrange. The bass has better pitch definition than a tube amp has though....
I have used & had a few mccormacks in the previous years. Some stock and some modded to RevA by SMC Audio.
Very good value for the $ no doubt.
But when I heard the accuphase at a dealer place & in my system, the mccormacks had to go. It sounded mechanical, grainy. It was no comparison but the price difference was also huge.
Still a happy Accuphase user....4 years & counting.