Audio Research Sp-6a up in smoke

Well, my housemate woke me up yesterday, "There's a fire."
White smoke had filled the stereo cabinet. Unusually, I had left the preamp on for 3 days. The smoke stopped quickly.

Was this a catastrophic failure or just the old capacitors giving up? I have a Bedini 25/25 driving Kef 103-2's.

Should I send it Steve Huntley Northern Sound for a refurb, or do think I should send it to the factory? I'm near Philly and I hear that Bob Backert at RHB Sound Design is a genius.

Or, is it so old that I should think about something else? It gave a sweet, woody sound to the music.

Bob Backert at RHB Sound Design is a genius. He's worked on plenty of sp6's too.
Sending it to ARC can make it as good as new. Send it to Steve and he will make better than new!
I've always sent my SP-6B to ARC. It's been there three times since purchased in 1980. ARC has the parts and will bring it back to original, if that's what you want. My last SP-6B service was in 2008 and ARC had it done in a couple of weeks.