What is the affect of cd player?

How much does the CD player affewct the o ver all sound quality of a system. I now have a Cambridge AZUR 840c and like it very well. But wsas thinking of upgrading if it would give me an even better sound. I wonder how much the cd player figures into the ovcr all picture? Thought maybe some of you who have been there and done that could share there experience Jack
Golly, I didn' realize I would set off such a fire storm! Now I don't know how to ask the question. Let's forget the whole thing. Thanks guys. Jack

Audiophilia subjections, suggestions, and English lessons too!

What a web site!

The effect of this contentious diatribe has had a substantial affect upon me.

I hope it was good for you too.... Gee, now I need a smoke.
System synergy is very important. In my experience, you should match components of equal quality across the chain.

I own the Cambridge Audio 840cV2 CD Player. It is an excellent CD Player for the money and I found the Meridian G 08.2 CD Player to be a bit more refined.
The overall affect of the CD player has to do with the kind of amp and the speakers you have. I used a Cary 308T player with a $400 sub/satellite combo and that combo sounded the best it ever did and later that same CD player with the SLI-80 Cary tube amp and vandersteen 2ce signatures and the music sounded so wonderful. A well made and great sounding CDP ought to let you hear the recordings as they natural as possible but it is subject to the amp and speaker match also where you are sending your signal through.
Finally, all CD players have their own signature: some are brighter, some are more tonally accurate, some are forward and dynamic, some are warm with a dark background. Depending on the genre of the music, choose accordingly.
Have fun in your experiments!!