Preamp for manley snappers

I am in search for a preamp without phono stage for my manley snappers. I have tried audible illusions,art audio,first sound and tron seven and VTL 6.5. They were all lent to me for audition by friends. Of all the units i auditioned it is only the 6.5 that had me smiling but the price is just so expensive i have to look somewhere else. My budget is around 4k dollars. Friends suggested the modwright 9.0 or the 36.5 but i dont have access to any demos of these units. Any suggestions are welcome.
I have a system consisting of Snapper driving Tannoy. I searched for a preamp and all my longings ended with a Leben RS-28CX. It is a fantastic synergistic match. I compared it up against the Steelhead and Leben have more magic with Snappers. I see that you want a remote and only a line stage. You will not get this with Leben. There are rumours of Leben comming these days with a new down scaled preamp for half the dollar. Anyway, I urge you to check out Leben. It is one of those fantastic matches with Snapper.
The Manley 300B preamp is wonderful. It is virtually the only product I've heard that conveys the emotion of the music. The device is scary quiet, but once the music begins, the sheer accuracy, warmth and vibrancy leaves every other preamp I've heard for dead.

I'm going to save my shekels to buy the Neoclassic 300B monoblocks and then, I think, my hi fi journey might be nearing its final destination.
Jumbo Shrimp and Snappers are an excellent pairing. On day three of this recent upgrade.
I had my Snappers hooked up to a CJ CT-5. Worked very well
together and its in your price range too. The Manley 300B
would also be near the top of my list. I never got to hear one
in my system but if it sounds even half as good as it looks
you'll have a winner.