volume vs presence

My amp is a bel canto s300 with a Dac3 on pmc tb2+ monitor speakers. I love this combination and find that it can be so deadly silky smooth that I am constantly turning up the volume probably to ear damaging levels as my ears are usually ringing after a session. But it doesn't sound loud at the time. This can't be good for my hearing.

I find I am turning up the volume of my system not to make it louder but to gain more presence and percussive attack. How do I listen at lower volumes without losing that presence? Do i need a bigger amp that provides more drive at lower levels. Do I need a good preamp? Do I need bigger speakers?

I am not sure but know people before me may have gone through all of this and would appreciate your advice. Thanks heaps,
You're right, it can't be good for your hearing. My advice would be to see a good audiologist to determine what's going on.
I agree with (jaffa's) idea that he is looking for a better amp. You need more 'INSTANTANIOUS CURRENT' from an amp to get better attack and percussive feel. (or speakers that deliver it with an ordinary amp) The problem will bw to find an amp that gives that current, without loosing the other things you love.
I find I turn up the volume on music that I really love, and ignore the 'reality' that I know it is louder, It just sounds so good!!
I agree with Elizabeth but instead of recommending the amp change mine would have been more sensitive speakers, same idea just different sides of the same equasion