Bad Hum Coming Through Amp, What Happened?

I've been running a Primare I21 amp for over a year now, and have been quite happy with the fact that there is no audible hum that comes through the speakers at any volume output. Out of the blue a couple of weeks ago, a nasty hum has started to emit from the amp through the speakers, audible starting at 20-25% of the volume output and louder as the volume increases. I've changed AC receptacles to a Cryo Hubbell one, I've upgraded my power conditioner, and I've switched the stock power cable to a Magic Power cable (which makes the hum even louder).

I am only using 2 of the 4 inputs on the amp, CD and Line 1 (turntable). The hum only occurs on the inputs that have something plugged in to them, and the hum goes completely silent when switched to an input that doesn't have anything connected to it. I've tried rolling the other components to the other inputs (the hum followed the components), and have tried the upgrade power cable on both of the components (no change). The hum occurs whether the components are off, on, or in standby.

What happened here? How do I make this hum go away? It's driving me crazy! Is there something inside of the amp that can be replaced/upgraded to kill this problem? Thanks in advance!

I posted this in Misc Audio last night, sorry for the double post! I realize now this was a better spot for the question, and I can't seem to figure out how to delete my other post.
Most-likely your amplifier went to the oscillation likely due to the failure of DC supply to the output transistors while the line signal circuitry might be OK. Is the unit on warranty? If not, what area are you local to?
See my response to your other post.

I wouldn't think the problem is in the output stages, because of the sensitivity to volume control setting and source selection, even when the source components are turned off and sending no signal into the amplifier. It's most likely a grounding problem (for which I suggested some things to try), or an internal problem in the input selection or other front end circuitry of the amplifier.

-- Al
I found that tightening the screws or nuts on toroidal transformers stopped a hum issue I had. I don't know what transformers you have but open up the amp and look. It's worth a try.