Which integrated to pick...

Well after much convincing, I have saved my rig with one exception. My Melody SP3 amp must go. There are three contenders for replacements but don't know which will pair up the best. Any recommendation would be helpful.

Here are the amps that I have narrowed it down to.
1. Audio refinement complete - if I can find one.
2. YBA YA 201
3. Musical Fidelity A3

Which one of the bunch should I try to snag?

Had the Complete and it has some punch for its power rating, and two outputs, very nice,just felt well built and pretty, have the Myryad line and it is also very nice, like it a little more than the Complete, and the preamp/amp combo was a step up from the integrated.
Thanks for the reply....

Here's my questions though. Although I was leaning toward the AR complete, my only concern is whether or not the 90wpc (4 ohms) is enough to drive them well. Here are the specs of the speakers.

88-89dB/2.83Volts @ 1 meter, -3dB at 49Hz, +/- 1dB from 55Hz to 21kHz. 15W to 120W into 8 Ohm amplifiers.

I was under the impression the more given to the speaker, or I should say the more reserve power there is, the more dynamic the speaker becomes.

Another question...how can I get one used. Not many seem to be sold on audiogon.

How do you get an AR used? You watch the classifieds and wait for one to come up. That's the best way. You could also do a search for AR dealers and see if any have demo units available but you will definitely pay more that way. The Complete is nice, I owned one briefly but I believe it will under-power the Europas.
Check out the Exposure 2010S I have had Bel Canto, Plinius, Creek, Cambridge Audio, Vincent, Musical Fidelity, NADn Rotel and have found this unit to be stunning. It sounds like live music. Depends on your system.