Naim Supernait vs XS vs Exposure 2010s

Anybody compare these amps?
My speakers are Devores gibbon
super 8's and I have heard the
Naim supernait with these speakers.
Very nice. Most musical sound I
have ever heard. My one complaint
is soundstage width. Even with their
expensive cds2? (18,000 $) cd player
the width would not increase. However,
front to back imaging was really good.

I hear the Exposure 2010s is musical
and transparent but nobody comments on

I would also like to know if the Naim
XS and Supernait sound the same? I read
somewhere that the XS is smoother and rolled off.
For my system anything smoother than the Supernait
would be too smooth.

Would appreciate any insights and please don't
post links to forums that require membership.

Actually, I do have tubes.

I have a Cary 300b sei single ended
triode and I do like it a lot.

However, I also like different perspectives
and options in sound. That is why I like
to have several integrated amps on hand.
As long as they are not too large in size.
Like the RWA 30.2 which I also enjoy and
is really small and a very different sound
then my Cary and the Naim.

The DeVores sound great with both tubes
and ss. If the exposure is musical like the
naim with a wider soundstage then I would
like to give it a try.
Glad you know tubes! Does the Cary have enough power to adequately drive the DeVores? Having owned Naim gear in the past, I'm interested in the Naim/Exposure comparison as well. -Lars-
In my room the 15 watt (or is it 20?)
Cary has more than enough
power for the 8's. In fact, it has more
low end weight than my RWA 30.2.
The 30.2 has a little more control of the
low end but I always find the Cary to be
satisfying with what ever genre I throw
at it. My room is on the small side about
12 by 14 and it is a little overwhelmed with
bass at times with the Cary. So, a medium sized room should
be fine.

In addition, I just picked up a pair of
Auditorium 23 speaker wire and I can not
believe how musical this wire and combo is.
Unbelievable bloom, decay and a tonality that
just sounds right. They really make an emotional conection. I still like my Stereovox
for soundstaging but the Auditorium 23 is a must
have for this combo at a much cheaper price.
It also really adds that prat quality you hear
with the Naim gear. It is really hard to stop
listening and I will have to try the Auditorium's
on the RWA.