Naim Supernait vs XS vs Exposure 2010s

Anybody compare these amps?
My speakers are Devores gibbon
super 8's and I have heard the
Naim supernait with these speakers.
Very nice. Most musical sound I
have ever heard. My one complaint
is soundstage width. Even with their
expensive cds2? (18,000 $) cd player
the width would not increase. However,
front to back imaging was really good.

I hear the Exposure 2010s is musical
and transparent but nobody comments on

I would also like to know if the Naim
XS and Supernait sound the same? I read
somewhere that the XS is smoother and rolled off.
For my system anything smoother than the Supernait
would be too smooth.

Would appreciate any insights and please don't
post links to forums that require membership.

We tried the cdx2,cds2 and the cds3.
The cds2 with its respective separate
power supply really through out the
widest soundstage that seemed to float
out on a plane. It was very organic
in its sound and was the most satisfying
with vocals. However, the sound of a
jazz or blues guitar was just way too soft.

I really liked the cdx2. The cds3 increased
the front to back imaging but did not really
increase width. Not sure if it is worth that
much coin.

I was not aware of flat caps or hi caps at the
time, so I am not sure if one was used.

With my first listening session via the cdx2
I did notice a profound sense of an aura that
seemed to float high above the music. Its hard
to explain because I have never heard anything
like that before but I really liked it. However,
on my second listening session I did not quite
get that same effect as before.

If you could enlighten us on the differences in
sound between the flat cap and high cap it would
be most appreciated.
Hello Scottmac62,

I've just returned from visiting a few dealers and have finally logged some time in front of DeVore Fidelity/Naim systems. Both happened to be Supernait based, one with a pair of The Nines and the other with Silverbacks. I am very impressed. While I certainly don't have enough experience to feel as though I know the amp well, what I heard (including comparisons to several other electronics brands that I do know well) makes me inclined to believe what Dbarger writes is somewhat true, Naim doesn't really sound tube or solid-state-like, just very good. I found myself less tempted to get out of my listening chair and find the best speaker position in the room (one of the things I do when I visit a dealer, of course).

Happy listening,
John DeVore
Hi John,

Really appreciate your input.
If you would care to compare and
contrast the Exposre 2010s and the
Naim gear it would be most appreciated.

Love your speakers by the way.
If you could enlighten us on the differences in
sound between the flat cap and high cap it would
be most appreciated.

Not sure if that is directed at me or not but...

If you are going from a bare CDX2 it is: Good, better, best. Well actually not best. I have spoken to another dealer that put the 555 power supply on the CDX2 and he is over the moon!