VALVET Amps & Pre: any feedback from Audiogoners?

Does anyone have personal experience with VALVET top of the line Amps (50 W) & Soulshine pre-amp? I have been able to lay hands on some positive reviews but trust fellow Audiogoners' personal experience more than reviewers and so-called audio pundits who often seem to exagerate.
Thanks for your input.
I was able to hear the Top of the line Valvet combo at a reviewers place. I dont want to give out too much info. Compared to some big buck gear(tube and s/s) the Valvets were not embarrassed. They held their own pretty good. In fact, in some ways they were better. The main thing is, the cost of the Valvets compared to some more expensive gear. Really scary.
You can find a few customer feedback emails on the manufacturers website:

Mainly about the "bricks" series and they are all in German language of course.

I'm using them since May in my private setup and in the reference system for the business (L1/E1 and soushine/A3.5). But I guess you may not want to hear my opinion since I'm the US importer of VALVET.