Electrocompaniet EMC 1-UP pre-amp

Has anyone had experience with this pre-amp and any other components (CD, SACD, DAC) from this Norwegian company? They styling and build quality are reported to be first rate. How does this pre-amp sound? Thanks!
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I have the EC-3 which is a balanced dual mono pre-amp with a great moving coil phono section. For years I used this with an Electrocompaniet Ampliwire 75 watt (into 8 ohms) amp to drive my Magnepans. I will be selling this combination soon but if you have any questions I would be glad to answer them. Electrocompaniet makes high quality gear. If you live in the Seattle area feel free to come by for a listen.
I owned the EMC-1UP for about 3 years. Like the above post it is an outstanding sounding CDP. It was also built like a tank. Highly recommended.
several listening sessions at a friends house concluded that the EMC-1UP CD player is a bit subdued on top, liquid in the mids with terrific bass

very nice
Thank you to everyone for the their feedback. I mixed up the model numbers as I was trying to type this while also taking calls for work (on a Monday no less...). I have seen a number of references to the high-quality sound produced by the CDP (most people refer to the use of the spider clamp as well). I am very curious about the sound characteristics of the EC 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 pre-amps. If anyone has experience with these I'd like to hear about it...thanks!