Recall of Krell Amplifiers

I just received information that the US CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) in conjunction with Krell Industries has recalled 2,300 of their KAV-250a, KAV-250a/3, KAV-500 and KAV-1500 amps due to 50 reports that the amps overheat causing smoke and electrical fires. A component input device can fail and cause the amps to overheat posing burn and fire hazards to consumers. These amps were sold between January 1997 through to February 2001 for between $3,000 and $8,000. Consumers should immediately stop using the amps and contact Krell to schedule free installation of replacement fuses. The number is (888) 436-6055 between 9:00am and 4:30 pm EST, or go to their website at or e-mail at

Shad> I believe on ALTAIR V, it was Churchill who gave your quote.

Here on EARTH it was Lincoln.

Is there a Theramin soundtrack album from FP?


A theremin was not used for the soundtrack of Forbidden Planet, for which Louis and Bebe Barron built "disposable" oscillator circuits and a ring modulator to create the "electronic tonalities" for the film.[20][21]

From Reference 20 of that article:

The musical score, termed "electronic tonalities," was composed by Louis and Bebe Barron. They were a married couple, collaborators of avant-garde composer John Cage. The "bleats, burps, whirs, whines, throbs, hums and screeches" that make up the sound track contained carefully developed themes and motifs, as well as providing general atmosphere. Unlike Bernard Herrmann's score for The Day the Earth Stood Still, which used the Theremin as well as an unconventional selection of standard musical instruments, Forbidden Planet's innovative score was entirely electronic.

And from Reference 21 of that article:

The groundbreaking Forbidden Planet soundtrack is credited as the first all-electronic music soundtrack for a major commercial movie and was unlike anything that audiences had heard before. In fact, during one preview of Forbidden Planet, the audience actually broke out in spontaneous applause as the sounds of the spaceship landing on Altair IV filled the theater!

Making electronic music was slow and laborious process back in the 1950s. By following the equations presented in the 1948 book, Cybernetics: Or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, by mathematician Norbert Wiener, Louis Barron built electronic circuits which he used to generate sounds. Most of the tonalities were generated with a circuit called a ring modulator. After recording the sounds, the couple further manipulated the material by adding effects such as reverb and delay and also by sometimes reversing and changing the speed of certain sounds.

Fascinating, as a leading character in a later and not completely dissimilar creation would have said!

-- Al
Man, there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much love for Krell - it's just ooooozing out from every member here!! ;-)

LOL, Audiofeil!!
From memory, so don't harsh me too bad!

Theramin invented by a Russian of that name (first not remembered) who later disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

No particular love for Krell, at least the Equipment. However, the Krell fictional race DO get my sympathy, based on what Morbiius said of them and how they perished.
Class 'a' gear doesnt' get my sympathy, either. I simply can't take the heat, not to mention the apparently occasional meltdown! Not being rich, I stretched myself to audition the then current 400xi integrated and while the Maggies seemed to like it, you could use it as a cook top.

Shakespeare would be proud. I'll let you guys figure that one out!
And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Star Drek or Orson.