Audio Research Ref 5 preamp


I currently own the ARC Ref 3. I know its early, but I was wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to do a comparison of the new ARC Ref 5 compared to the ARC Ref 3 and if so, what are the sonic differences that you heard. Any input would be helpful. Thanks
So in other words, if Dev were able to a get good price he could be more disposed to pick one up? LOL....
Hi David_coppell, no that is not what I wrote so lets not get mislead, I clearly wrote;

"I would still want to hear one within my set-up to see if it justifies even that amount though."
Hi Dev, I was responding to the near incomprehensible (at least to me) prose from Unoear.

I am in agreement that one would need to hear the unit in one's own set up to justify the expense, at any level.

Happy listening!

After reading this I realize that the Ref3 I have listened to and coveted, over my Cary preamp, is really a piece of audio-crap and anyone who owns one should be embarassed.

To help out those poor souls stuck with such a glaringly inferior piece of gear, I will save you the trouble of throwing it in the trash, and have UPS come pick it up for you. No, you don't even have to box the offending unit up, I will pay someone to do it for you. I know it's magnanomous of me to do it, but I am all about helping out my audiophile brethren.

If you happen to have that aweful Ref Phono stage (there's now a much better Ref 2) I will take that off your hands as well.

Don't feel sorry for me, I know the gear sucks, I just have one of those hard-to-embarass personalities, and would love to help you out.
09-21-09: Macdadtexas
After reading this I realize that the Ref3 I have listened to and coveted, over my Cary preamp, is really a piece of audio-crap and anyone who owns one should be embarrassed.

I realize this comment is in jest, but in all seriousness in my system the ARC Ref3 was not all it's cracked up to be, IMO.

I had lusted after the Ref3 for three years since reading the plethora of gushing reviews.

Actually hearing it was akin to entering the carnival sideshow in anticipation of seeing the amazing bearded lady only to discover she was actually a bearded old man in lipstick and a gingham dress.

I auditioned it against a Lamm L2 Reference, and the Lamm was so clearly superior to my ears (and to the ears of a close friend who is familair with my system, and to the guy who subsequently bought my Ref3 and sold it a week later) that I sold the ARC Ref3 the following day. And yes, it was thoroughly broken in and yes the tubes were fresh with only 650 hours on them.

The ARC Ref3 was bland and uninvolving, while the Lamm had jump and life (while remaining tonally balanced).

Before I get flamed, please keep in mind that I am only speaking from my experience with my system and my ears. In others' systems, the Ref3 may be sublime...but not in mine.