Roland Model 6 Monoblocks

I just purchased a pair of these amps and was looking for any recommendations on power cords due to the IEC 20 amp connector which I do not have and as long as I am asking if you have a opinion on their performance I would like to hear it.
I will be driving usher rw 729 monitors and may try them on my soundlab m2's which are being driven by Audiovalve Challanger 180 monoblocks.
I owned a pair of the Rowland Model 6 monoblocks a few years back, and thought they were among the best SS amps I've ever heard or owned. IMHO JRDG was at it's peak in the mid to late 90's with the Model 2/6/8/9 series amps. Earlier models were lusher, but thick and a tad slow, while later models were cleaner and clearer, but lacking musical weight. Jeff had it just right for my tastes with the 2/6/8/9 series.

As for power cords, the best I heard with my Model 6's were the Stealth Dream......a bit pricey though. You could spend less and get similar results with a Fusion Enchanter or Elrod EPS-3 Signature. The Fusion will provide more details, the Elrod more bass weight.

I've heard them with the battery option, but decided against using batteries. The sound was smoother and a bit quiter with the batteries, and that may work in some systems. My speakers are on the warm side of nuetral, and sounded better w/o the batteries, more dynamic and punchy.
