Best Carver stereo solid state amplifier design

i would like to know what is the best design Bob Carver has made.Is it really considered hifi.What could we compare the sonics of his best designs to.Can we compare his stuff to mark levinson,spectral,krell.Many people are fans of him but we dont hear much about his work in hifi magazines. Does it mean its only good for home theater or what.Anyone out there can answer on the sound quality of his stuff.Any comparisons made to the big league.Thanks pat

I believe that Wyred4sound is valuable and inexpensive upgrade to my current model.

thanks for the answer.pat
I bought a TFM-55 and c-16 preamp right after college. I used them with CV speakers. This was a giant step forward as I left behind a Kenwood receiver and Pioneer tape deck.

I recall the term "MID-FI" being used allot in the early 1990s, but I haven't heard it in a while. It was used on stuff that was too low cost to really be considered a contender. "MID-FI" could be used to brand gear that was better than entry level, but not S.O.T.A - but the term was really a put down too.
Do any people out there made comparisons between carver designs and big league stuff with reference material.Thanks pat.
Still have my 't' mod cube out in the garage. Debate continues on the subject of total rebuild and use as a sub amp for a DVC homebrew design.
Al might have used his with higher sensitivity speakers, but I had very good luck driving a pair of vintage Magnepan MG-1s. It was neck and neck as to which ran out of steam 1st, Maggies or cube.
This was a very impressive (to me) combination especially after I added my First Ever CD player... A Magnevox / Philips FD1001 an original 14 bit player sitting in the next room looking for a laser pickup.
The Phase Linear stuff, especially the 400 is landmark equipment.
08-28-09: Jimjoyce25
I run two second-hand Sunfire Signature 600 amps, one per channel, with Marigo Ultra 5 power cords to deal with RF issues. In this configuration they far exceed the performance of the original production Atma-Sphere MA-1 mono amplifiers they replaced in my system.

the atma-sphere were from the early 90 i guess but did the sunfire beat them in every respect.My brother just compared a carver pm 1.5 to a spectron musician 2 and found the spectron to be much more transparent and maybe a bit flatter than the carver.