High power amp reccomendations, airy highs a must

I'm needing a new 2ch power amp that can EASILY offer 300 or more watts into 4 ohms. Must have airy extended highs and well controlled bass. Resolution preferred over the warm glow sound, BUT NO CLINICAL ETCHED highs that are often thought of as resolution! Oh yeah ... I don't need it to cost a fortune. Used is just fine as well. NO TUBES
For approx $2100 you can get a pair of Bel canto Ref 1000 Mk.1 monoblocks. These are very good amps that are highly musical and do not get easily confused on harmonically complex material during intense passages. Ihave used the Mk.2 version on my power hungry Vienna Mahler speakers and have written a review on Positive Feedback:
McIntosh mc252. You may find one used for @$2500 or so. This amp will easily drive your PSBs.
I just noticed you have listed your speakers, I would second the McIntosh recommendation above with those speakers, and the rest of your gear.

You will get a ton of SLAM from that combo.
OK, I have lots of great reccomendations about bass slam and control, but I am also looking to get an airy and extended treble, and I have never heard a Mac amp that wasn't overly warm.
I also received an email saying I should try Nordost Red Dawn interconnects to tighten the bass and extend the highs ??
Maybe one of jeff rolands amps might help you acheive your goal;his older products have been always well received and
to acheive tube like qualities;models 5,6,7,8 and 9;there is also the 8t and 9t as well.