I need help with my Equipment addiction

I can't leave well enough alone. My most disappointing days are days like today where I sit down to listen to my system, drink some wine, and unwind and... the system sounds great. I hate that. Nothing to tweak, everything is intergrating well: Clear highs, check. Fast, deep bass, check. Digital sound good with weight and impact, Check. Vinyl sound deep and well rounded with extended highs and excellent speed, check.

That's when the trouble starts. I start thinking, "What if changed cartridges?" "Well then I need a step up transformer, or a seperate MC phono stage", "Maybe I should just look at new preamps, even thbough I love mine now", "Then I need a separate phono preamp, I've always wanted an ARC preamp", then "Hey then I could buy an ARC tube amp for the high end of the Maggies and get bi-amp them"

Does it ever stop? How can I stop the cycle? I think I'm going to drink some more wine.
Onhwy- I read the op as a tongue in cheek. Certainly my answers are. Sorry if I missed the point.
09-06-09: Onhwy61
There was a thread a few days ago where the poster got criticized because he
posited that the people who constantly change equipment don't know what
they're doing.

The same could be said about the SEC investigators who missed all the warning
signs concerning Bernie Madoff. Yet, I'll bet if we met those SEC employees,
most of us would consider them to be reasonably bright people.

The point being that not knowing what we're doing is a common human trait
as we move through life and learn as we go.

It helps to be able to laugh at ourselves as we recognize our failings.
"I can't leave well enough alone"

Nor should you. The greatest among us achieve greatness precisely because they can't leave well enough alone. Intrepid souls, often flying into the dark unknown in utter defiance of conventional wisdom, armed only with the courage of an explorer, and that insatiable spirit that took the slowest, weakest species on the planet and gave it lordly dominion over all. Go man go!
Swampwalker, my comments were also tongue in cheek, well, at least partially.
Go man go!
I hope that comment was also TIC.