Describe the ideal high end audio dealership

Please describe, in detail ,your personal opinion as to what the ideal high end audio dealership would be. Sales/demo policies, store atmosphere/layout, trade ins/ trade ups, ect. What products interest you the most?

Are you more drawn to brand new designs? The Presence of large statement pieces on display? The reassuring presence of well established and familiar lines? What about newer lines that appear promising?

What characteristics would your ideal hi end audio dealership possess? What bothers you most?

Do you prefer the traditional brick and mortar storefront or a more personal approach offered by the home based dealership/appointment structured store?

Describe what you feel, in your personal opinion, are the greatest positive attributes of your favorite dealerships.

This thread is intended for the hobbyist consumers, not dealers or manufacturers.
Attitude is something that can be changed at little cost, and it does seem that some dealers seem to have a problem in this area. But carrying everything and in-home trials of everything would be beyond the financial means of most real world dealers - not that I don't want it. But a good welcoming attitude (yes even for tire kickers), real knowledge of the products carried, and a wide enough selection to compare tubes and SS, digital and analog, and different types of speaker designs (electrostatic, horns, etc.) would be nice. This would be particularly useful for those that aren't yet audiophiles, but know they want to move into better sound, or have enough money to get it right the first time with some good advice and direction. I just don't know how BM can survive with the internet, at least among those already into the hobby. Just too easy to buy and try from places like Audiogon.
When I was in graduate school, there was a place in New Brunswick, New Jersey called HiFi Haven. This place was a meeting place...a club if you will for audio enthusiasts. A guy named Stan and his wife owned it, but the real deal was the salesman...a young guy at the time - 30 or 40 years ago named Jerry. The guy was one of the nicest guys I have yet to a matter of fact, all of the people who came into the store were friends. I remember Jerry showing me the Grace 707, comparing it to the 714, and which cartridge would be better for each of the arms. I remember him demoing the Spatial Coherence preamp to the DB Systems preamp...the ARSLT, the original Dahlquist speakers, etc. It was the most fun I have had being an audiophile. If anyone knows where Jerry is/what he is doing, I'd like to touch base.
The title to this thread is an oxymoron; right???
Dealers can't carry everything or complete lines of such. They'd owe the bank in the millions and the rent on 6 acres of showroom would be considerable. Then he would have to have a small army as the sales force; for starters.
All dealers ONLY carry the best lines yaddy ya.
They for the most part are boutique in nature / said owners are generally hobbyists and most all know more than me,fer sure.
I think most do well dealing with us picky hobbyists. We just aren't sure what we want or how much money we want to spend----Now add "we can get it online cheaper/ or used, cheaper". (I wonder what the suicide rate for dealers is?)