Primaluna tube amps...

Some say they are crap?
Is it true, is there something better at this price category?
Great sound, great build, and autobias for the power tubes. They're a great deal.
I've listened to several PrimaLuna products and find all of them to be excellent in build quality and top notch performers for the price. I also agree with Albert's comment about Kevin Deal. I have had many dealings with Kevin through the years and he has always been wonderful.
I've been using PrimaLuna products (PL One, Three, and Five)for over three years. They are far from CRAP! and at least competitive in their price range. Well built, very flexible tone wise with tube selection, and hassle free with either the units themselves or their distributor Kevin Deal.

However, I have found that there is far more synergy between PL units than used seperately with other amps/pre-amps, at least with the Three and Five amp/pre-amp. As I read reviews this caveat seems to extend to some of their high end amps as well. I have not liked the Three with other amps (except a Mesa Baron) as the upper frequencies seem a bit rolled, nor the Five with other pre-amps, as the bass really thins out. But that is just my experience.

When I find myself with an extra $10K or so I'll start exploring some better stuff.
I own the Prologue One and it is an outstanding integrated amp with dynamic, musical sound. It is built like a tank and has point to point wiring. You can tube roll it to your heart's delight because it is self-biaing. It received a high recommendation from Absolute Sound, no sliuches when it comes to rating equipment. I listen to mine every day. Anyone who says PrimaLuna is crap hasn't heard one.
My sense is that those who say that they are crap are just painting them with the same brush as every other product made in China and this pushes hot buttons for some people. But the Primaluna amps that I have heard, are well made and sound good. There are some nice American made alternatives. The Rogue integrateds are nice and include phono stages as well. If you are looking for seperates, Quicksilver makes some nice monos starting at a grand a pair. If country of origin is not of issue, ASL and Jolida get mixed reviews but make some interesting products.