Primaluna tube amps...

Some say they are crap?
Is it true, is there something better at this price category?
I have the Prologue 2 and have had zero problems with it in almost two years .
I can't compare it to a great many other pieces but what I have heard does not better it by much if at all . With different tubes , I would/have , put it up against Cayin and Cary pieces of the same circuit topology ie. PP integrateds using the Kt88 , El34 etc. tube family. It is a bit of a cameleon , as you can obtain many different sounds with numerous tube combinations .

Is it the best ? That is subjective . Is it a good value ? I think so . If you don't like it , you can turn it over rather easily .

I would say go for it .

Good luck .
Thanks for all the replies!
In the near future i may have the possibility from a dealer to audition at my house an Arcam, PS audio, Primaluna and a tentlabs hybrid, which looks the buissines but isn't a heavy marketed and known brand...
It can als be bought as an easy DIY job.
Tentlabs, that must be the amp that Quadaffi is listening to Fox radio on in his new digs in upstate New York.
I own the PL model 7 mono amps. Because the speakers in my current (pardon the pun) rotation need more juice than these provide, I'm generally running an ARC VT 130 SE. However, with appropriately matched speakers, the model 7s sound very much like (though certainly not identical to)the much more expensive ARC amp. They also auto-bias and allow oodles of tube rolling options. Fit n finish is top notch. IMHO, the PL 7 monos represent excellent value.

Thanks for the info...

From Tentlabs i do know they have a magnificient cd player but i can't find any reviews of it's hybrid amp.

In the meantime i came across this page with very intresting products...
I has a 70 Watt Mono block SET amp and a very affordable Push pull using KT88.
With the litte info i found it made me belief these amps are one of the finest in "High End" available and at affordable prices.
Some review quotes...
Not sure, but maybe they are head and shoulders above PrimaLuna amps??

But i can' find any dealer to audition them in my country.