Traditional Brands vs. "Audiophile" Brands

I've visited some traditional brands websites and seen items like Yamaha A-S700, Denon DRA-CX3, Onkyo A-5VL, Onkyo A-9555, Sony STR-DA1500ES, etc.

These are all around $500 and up (MSRP).

Then you have more "audiophile" brands like Cambridge Audio, Marantz, NAD, Music Hall, Adcom, with their own integrated amps in a similar price range.

Questions to ponder:

So what is the difference here?

Can one assume that an audiophile brand of more or less the same price is superior to these "traditional" brands?

Are there advantages in scale, such as say, access to latest technologies before smaller manufacturers, that the traditional guys have?

If units from audiophile group aren't always better, what makes them "audiophile," or are they even that (or just my mis-categorization)?

Your cogitations welcome.

Go with the "blue" lights. The red ones work on a frequency which attract flies. The fly's wings flap at a frequency which counteracts super tweeter frequencies. What you want to do in that case is flip the fly upside-down...and change the phase. Simple aint it? Cheers.
No, you cannot assume that an audiophile brand of more or less the same price is superior to these "traditional" brands. Try the traditional brands first. They usually come with better return policies, so if you don't like the sound, back it goes. I've heard some great traditional stuff and some bad 'audiophile' brands. Keep Onyko and Interga on your list. They present great sound and value. Don't be con'd by the 'audiophile' label. Its meaningless, your ears are the decider.
can't speak for all traditional brands, but the new yamaha 2 channel line is outstanding value.
$500. is not audiophile no matter the brand. BUT: the audiophile brands do have a different philosophy than big names. Big brand names are trying to incorporate their own 'expensive' options: that is 'bells and whistles' user options. Whereas audiophile brands may(?) try to keep 'audiophile' philosopy options such as 'good sound', and leave off the standard bells and whistles.
So, as one poster said, use your ears, but if you can't just go try a bunch.. I would buy an audiophile brand. Even though scale of economy says the audiophile brand will offer less for the money.. The stuff left over may be just what you are after!!
PS I have a Denon 4806 reciever, so I bought the big name.. because that particular rec was made for idiots like me)