Best Looking SS Integrated Amplifiers Under $2,000

Hi. I've been looking at a lot of integrated amps from vintage 70s through 80s to modern day equipment. So far, I kinda like the vintage stuff especially the black faced Sansuis, detest the 80s black box stuff (many are still made that way like supposedly awesome Onkyo A-9555 for example), and think that some of the British stuff (Naim, Rega, Cambridge Audio, Creek, ...) is interesting but ultimately doesn't warm the heart. Since I enjoy equipment that both sounds AND looks good, what am I missing? And, with all due respect, no, I don't do tubes.

Of all that I've seen, I love the bold big gold knobs on black acryclic look of the Onix machines.
I must have missed that episode of Fernando's Hideaway. I'd never choose a component for that reason. It's a nice perk, if it happens, but sometimes my favorite sounding components, or the ones that go best with my system in my price range, are my least favorite to look at. In your price bracket, for used integrateds, I like the Italian stuff myself (must be my Italian blood). Unison Research and Pathos both make beautiful integrateds in that price range used. Need to stick closer to home and be patriotic - I like Manley's Stingray. Shindo makes pretty amps, but I doubt you'll find an integrated under 2k. Solid state? Fernando don't play that garbage in his hideaway. OK, pretty SS...hmmm Classe, Rowland, Edge, Electrocompaniet. They all look like boxes with blue lights and knobs and thick billet faces to me, but those are some nice treatments of that theme. As a previous poster pointed the eye of the beholder. These all may be butt ugly to you.
The integrated I've owned that I liked the looks of most is the Simaudio I-5. It has the best ergonomics, as well.
Thanks for the responses. The Marantz PM1551, Electrocompaniet and Pathos stuff do catch the eye. Obviously, quality matters but if you have an audio component in the living room that isn't on all the time, so for part of its life, it is merely an object, then its appearance should matter. I need to please my ears and my eyes as well. The quest is on. Any opinions on the Onix stuff. As you may have gathered, I like black, matte (70s Sansuis) or glossy (Onix).