Joule - Electra: Just How Hot??

I'm considering Joule Electra mono blocs as a source of amplification. My fundamental question is not about the sonics rather this is a question for those that actually have J-E in their system: How much heat do they throw off and how do you manage--especially in the warm months of the year? Or is the heat issue not really a major problem? My room is 25 X 17 X 13 (LxW xH)with 4 air conditioning vents and 2 heat extraction ducts.
I have to admit that I did not expect to hear comments about the build quality. This is a concern in that when I complete the new system, it is not my intention to engage in the whole swapping components in and out routine.

Samhar, I looked at your system. It appears that you are relishing the musicality of what you have put together. Thanks for answering the heat generation question I posed but I have to ask you, "Do you too have issue with the build quality of your amp and pre amp. And, I am actually looking at purchasing the same J-E combination that you have in your system,, not the VZN 100s.
I had VZN-100 in musicwood and they looked quite nice. They do give off quite a bit of heat though. It was never too oppressive, but it can get a sealed room quite warm in about an hour or so.

My main issue was with technical problems. A strong hum that would not go away (and that the manufacturer was never able to fix even when I sent them back), a fuse that blew twice, and a variac that started burning (that also had to be sent back).

Lovely sound when they worked right, but I moved on after putting up with those kinds of challenges.
They are 'hot' as Paris Hilton used to say. I own LA-300ME preamp and I believe its the best in the world. Period.

I auditioned Destiny and I fall in love with them. To my regret, my speakers , B&W802D have very low impedance and I coulf not match it. I am thinking to change my amps/speakers now and get Destiny with may be David Wilson or Verity.

I never have any problem with my gear and I know a few people who own J-E amps and they don't.

I think that problem some described were steaming since time Jud worked alone. Now, for an year he has Simon Thacher who is "crazy" on QA (example - Spectron Audio, worst a few years ago and with near zero problems now. Simon eve insisted that they repair has precedence over production).

With good air conditioning - as you describe - I woudn;t be worry about the heat too much.

All The Best
I'm not sure the build-quality comments refer to the reliability of the units. As far as I know Joule amps are quite reliable in general.
I am thinking, like Rafael, to mate the J-E with Verity's new speaker- Amadis:

Power handling:
250 watts music power
93 dB @ 1w @ 1 m
Nominal impedance:
8 ohms
Minimum impedance:
3 ohms @ 5.5 kHz

They sit between the Sarastro and Parsifal Ovation within the Verity product line based upon my conversation with Verity. Which Verity product are you considering Rafael?

It seems as though the heat "issue" is mitigated but this question about build quality is still upper most on my mind. The question is how much Simon's quality standards have been instituted and if they (and he) will be incorporated into the production process for the long term?