CES in Las Vegas

Next year's CES is in SIN CITY, scheduled from 1/7/10 - 1/10/10.

I plan on attending if I am able to pull wool over the WIFE's eyes and act like this is going to be a get away for two.

"Here babe, I have a suprise for you, two tickets for u and I to spend the week-end in LV". We will see how this goes.

Now for those who have had the opportunity to attend in the past, here are a couple of questions.

1. Can any one attend CES or this is purely for commercial folks?

2. How does CES compare to others such as Rocky Mountain etc
Quick answers to your questions:

1) Its only for people in the audio trade. Now also it will be around $100 per person if you haven't registered before the deadline.

2) CES is much larger than the rocky mountain and also has much more than just audio. It has nearly all consumer electronics and it exhibits in many buildings. You will find it hard to see it all in 2 days. But if you just want high end audio it can be done in a day or 2.
Go early, walk fast, avoid the temptation to see the adult entertainment show next to the CES.....and don't think we weren't aware you knew that. Another 100-150.00 admission price....so I hear......Explain that one to your wife....mine wasn't convinced, and I tried. Cost me 300.00 in pants for her. Do you know how many CD's that could have been??
Early scouting, or finding the rooms that are very important and those that fill up fast are good to visit first, then take time combing through the rest. The ML, Wilson/Bolder, MBL, Magnepan, and a few others fill up fist and standing in line is a hassle when there for one or two days. There are two places to visit. The Venetian and the "Show" which is somewhere else this year. I think the Falmingo, but don't quote it. Bring your own music to hear. Enjoy....
A manufacturer or dealer can get you in for free- if you know one contact them about badges. T.H.E. Show will be two doors down at the Flamingo and it is easier to get into. A significant number of manufacturers will be there as well- T.H.E. Show is about 1/3-1/2 the size of CES (Specialty/high end audio).
I've been staying right there in Venetian for two years in a row. Doing the same this year too. It's a very nice hotel, and will keep my wife and daughter entertained, while I'm attending the show.
One bummer though, Adult Entertainm. Awards moved to another venue this year. It was always fun to watch participants mingling in between mature, casually dressed, and somewhat obese audiophiles.