Amp for Thiel CS6

I currently am using a Conrad Johnson MF2500A to amplify my Thiel CS6 speakers. At times it seems as if the amp does not give as full, or solid a bass response as I would like. Is this a potential issue with the MF2500A? I am considering either a CJ Premier 350, or a Rogue Audio Zeuss. Any thoughts about these, or other amps with the Thiel CS6 speakers? Thanks.
I spoke to Jim and to Sheri (their tech support person at the time) back around 2003 and both explained that they used several amps during the design process for their speakers. For the CS6, Rowland, Krell, Levinson and Pass amps, ammog others, were used.
Want to share my experience comparing the Levinson and the Pass. I was a long-time Thiel user (15+ years). I started this hobby with a pair of Thiel 2.2s, then upgraded to a pair of 3.6s. I had paired the 3.6s with the Levinson 333 for 8 years and thought it was a good combo. During that time, the caps in the Levinson blew up on me several times. I finally traded in for a Pass X350.5.

At that point in time, I had been contemplating about upgrading my speakers to Thiel 6 for two years. I was under the impression that with my setup, I had pushed the 3.6s to it's "limit". The sound I got was as good as I could get out of the 3.6s. When I inserted the Pass, not-yet-broken-in, into the system, I could not believe the vast improvement over the Levinson that I was hearing. The bass was deeper and more solid, more extension at the top, and the soundstage was wider/deeper, but more 3-dimensional. At that point, I was seriously reconsidering to keep my speakers. But then, where's the fun. I ended up selling them 3 months later. I didn't get the Thiel 6 as originally planned, but a pair of Verity Parsifal Encores.

I invited a friend, who was very familiar with my system, over that first week, just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself. He went home after the listening session and put his Levinson 432 on Audigon and bought a Pass X350.5 too.

I agree, Sheri was very open and while would not critique my choice she clearly stated they preferred BAT power. I happen to power with McIntosh 1201's with great success, of course had quality gear to accompany them. Placement can vary greatly in the room as always so experiment to optimize. I actually had to stiffen my floor, added cross bracing to the floor joists in my music room and difference was considerable, reverbertions on high power along with dedicated 20 amp lines each amp improved things immensely.
Funny, The local dealer that I purchased my CS 2.4's from said the same thing about the BAT pairing Chryslers_rule. I too am looking for more quality power and have to get out soon for some listening demo's
Thanks for all the input. At the moment, I am leaning towards trying a Rogue Audio Zeus. Has anyone had the opportunity to compare the Zeus to a CJ MF2500A amp with Thiel or any other speakers?